Customer visits are currently hardly possible due to the corona pandemic. That is precisely why tec.nicum would like to continue to provide its customers with advice on issues related to machine and plant safety. tec.nicum now answers current issues promptly via the Support Ticket tec.nicum (STT): As part of the support ticket, customers can submit their questions at any time in writing or by phone. The tec.nicum then provides shortly a time frame for the processing or answers the questions directly if possible. The response time is typically a maximum of 1 working day.
A STT module consists of 10 x 1 hour support time and answers to questions by phone or email. Depending on the task, e.g. support for SISTEMA applications, the questions can also be answered during a TeamViewer session or a Skype meeting. Alternatively, an hourly order without calling up from a Support Ticket tec.nicum is also possible. The processing time is then agreed individually.
The tec.nicum will be happy to make an individual offer on request and can be contacted at: