engineering . technical planning
integration . execution
digitalisation . software integration
outsourcing . serial solutions
tec.nicum . by professionals for professionals
academy . knowledge transfer
consulting . consulting services

Calculations, validations and operating instructions
tec.nicum engineering

  • Calculation of safety functions in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 or IEC 62061    
  • Validation of safety functions according to ISO 13849-2
  • Operating instructions according to DIN EN IEC 82079 and ­
    DIN EN ISO 20607


Based on ISO 13849-2, tec.nicum produces all the documents (validation plan, error lists, calculations, etc.) and carries out the validation of safety functions by means of analysis and testing.

The tec.nicum checks circuit diagrams of the electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic system and calculates the PL and PFHD* for each safety function. The results of the validation are documented in drawings generated by expert personnel.


* Performance level and probability of a dangerous failure per hour


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